When: April 18th 2024 19h

Where: Impact Hub Málaga

Callejones del Perchel, 8 29002 Málaga

As we already announced during our last meetup, we have a busy schedule and there’s another meetup at sight!

At the intersection of the different areas: People / Talent, Communications and Marketing lays Employer Branding. In this session we would like to discuss what matters to the candidates, what matters to the employees, what tools do we use, and what’s the role of the People, Talent & Marketing teams in this equation. Besides, we would like to focus on the ethical part and how to stay true to your values in one of the most challenging years.

Who is our speaker?

Katy Peichert is growing unique companies thanks to finding and developing unique, talented people.

Katy believes that People and Culture make companies differentiate nowadays, and Talent is a strategic function of every tech company: starting from the employer branding and candidate experience journey to the stellar employee experience.

With 12+ years of extensive tech, talent, and leadership experience, Katy specialises in working strategically with the business and leading People & Talent teams in engineering & product, growing start-ups and scale-ups to mid-size, pre-IPO stage companies around the world. Previously, she was leading a global People & Talent Team for BRYTER & The Workshop and acted as a Senior Recruiting Partner for Technology in music tech companies like SoundCloud and Native Instruments, as well as gaming companies like Wooga.

She’s a psychologist by education and an HR professional by dedication. She brings an extensive creative & technical expertise thanks to collaborating with her former colleagues, friends and inspiring people she meets her way. On top of that, she gained experience in agile project management, team leadership & training leaders and large teams. Katy speaks 7 human languages, having studied and worked in Poland, France, Portugal, Brazil, Germany, and since 2019 in Málaga, Spain within the music, entertainment, and SaaS tech industry in a variety of companies ranging from early-stage through mid-size emblematic start-ups and to multinational corporations. Apart from that, she is a proud diversity & inclusion ambassador, consultant & speaker awarded with Talent10 prize, and a member of WAS Youth Initiative Committee since 2011.

Personally, she isa great music aficionado (from Detroit house to Berlin techno, from Iranian jazz to MPB), love discovering nature and culture equally. Curious about society, progress and people.
She is also an author of the travel, language, music, and lifestyle blogs: www.berlinering.com and www.lusofonetica.com

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