When: 29th June 2023 19h
Where: Impact Hub Málaga
Callejones del Perchel, 8 29002 Málaga
A moraga is a summer night party held at the beach, Málaga style. We haven’t been able to book the beach as a venue for our next meetup (we’ll do that when we have an inflatable screen to project some slides there, hehe) but Impact Hub Málaga seems a nice substitute.
We’ll be joining Genevieve Tong and Tobias Magnussen, our Nordic marketing friends, for a fireside chat about Tailored Customer Journeys. And what’s a tailored customer journey?
Well, it’s the way to create compelling narratives that resonate with your customers’ needs and engage your audience through segmentation through tailored content. Lovely.
Who are our speakers?
Genevieve is the Head of Marketing at Business Finland for startups and fast growth companies. In the past years she has been spcialized in customer journeys and creative industries. She also posses a robust experience in the Finnish startup ecosystem.
Tobias , in his own words, is a 32-year-old digital nomad originally from Denmark. He has been the owner of his own company since 2016. Living as a digital nomad since 2018, mainly traveling around Europe. And living in Málaga for the past two years. His client portfolio consists of companies of all sizes, from big corporations with 35.000+ employees to solo influencers/bloggers. Primary market is the Danish market, where most of his clients are from.
So please register for our DMM Moraga below, 29th June 7pm at Impact Hub Malaga.